The Power of Words

Words…when used in an effective way can have a tremendous impact…The preached word last night came from a text in Proverbs 18:21, Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. To get down to brass tacks, we have have to question ourselves on how we use our words….are they weapons that insult, kill, murder, and destroy or  instruments of  encouragement, unity, peace, and life??? I encourage you to SPEAK LIFE!


All Pop-Ups Aren’t Errors

I was assisting a client with an activity wherein I was guiding them through something online. They saw a pop-up message from the application and said, “UH-OH!” Knowing what the pop-up was, I calmed them by saying”It’s not an error, but rather a reminder of what you are doing and what you are trying to accomplish”…This is was a funny scenario that reminded me that often we take our trials in life to be the result of something we’ve done wrong. However, our trials should serve as a reminder of where God is taking us. I Peter 4:12, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:” This is one of many pop-ups in the Word to let us know not to be alarmed, but serves a reminder what will occur. My favorite pop-up is when Christ said in St. John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Just remember this the next you are faced with a challenge in life, no all pop-ups are errors.

When You Really Know God…

So over the course of a few days, I have had a few of discussions wherein people outlined their reasons for not making a true, sincere committment to God. All of their contentions involved people versus God. My response to this is…if we are looking for man to be God, we are naive and setting ourselves up for a great disappointment. Romans 3:23 is clear on this, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Since the beginning of time, man has failed…from Adam on…we can go all day listing those that failed. Thus the reason God had to send us a savior. No man had the ability to save people from something that was inherently in him, sin.

It is of the utmost importance that we learn to distinguish the word, character, disposition, and mind of God versus man’s. When we know this we can determine whether our actions or the actions of other’s line up with who God is.

God is consistent…

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

All I am asking is that we consider this before judging God by the actions or indiscretions of man. The essence and character of who he is never changes. Get to really know him…there is no better feeling in the World!

A Lot Can Occur In One Year…

The title of this blog is a quote often shared by my pastor to individuals that are contemplating a major life changing decision. Last year this time…I was in a different place…not physically, but mentally and spiritually. It was a rut of sorts… I had to make some decisions in regard to people that were close to me. One relationship in particular threaten everything that I had known…my minstry (personal and corporate)……my relationship with my leader…my location…everything. Seeking Godly counsel and not hearing what I wanted to hear, put me in a situation to really decide between God’s will and purpose versus what appealed to my own personal desires. And if we can be real…there are some times in our lives when our desires do not necessarily line up with God’s will for our lives.  With all this being the case, I made the right decision, the Godly decision. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Since that time, I have grown tremendously and God has open so many doors. Obedience is indeed better than sacrifice…I am glad to have obeyed rather than sacrifice the abundant life that God has in store for me.

A New Year…this year has proven to be fruitful and productive already! Looking forward much, much more of what God has in store. God keeps a smile on my face.

Love Ya! Stay Tuned.

When God is Moving…

There was a time in my life when I was anxious for many things, even though the Word clearly tells us Philippians 4:6 NIV

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

…having my own plan for how my life would go and the things that I would do and the people that I would have in my life. I strongly believe that God can and will grant us the desires of our heart. However, there is a “small” (note the sacarasm) entity we often overlook called “TIME”. I believe strongly that there are some people and some things that belong in my life, but in God’s time…not necessarily my time. When God is moving we have got to learn to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord…as I preached on this text from  Exodus 14 yesterday…as always I was preaching to myself. And I am convinced that when we operate in the Flesh according to our own selfish desires and try to force things to happen, we delay the work that God, the potter is doing. I am learning in this season of my life to allow God to move, because when he is moving things will be as he planned it. What better place to be in than in his Word and his Will???


M.I.A. (Yeah I know)

I know I have been missing in action…But Life is so so so so busy! So busy living it, writing about it takes a backseat. I’ll Do Better (Courtesy of Bishop Raymond Keith). So many exciting things have occurred since I last blogged. I cannot even think of where to begin so I will just say that I am happy right now. There are some things in motion on the spiritual and natural side of things. I see progress and I thank God for it. Now don’t get me wrong… things are not perfect, but I have learned to be content in whatsoever state I am in. God is working on me…Growth does not always feel good. You know how as a teen you had awkward stages of growth…well that occurs in adulthood. It is just not limited to physical growth, but rather spiritual, emotional, financial, etc. At this point, right now, today, I am content, yet striving for perfection and determined not to let anyone or anything change that. LoveYaMeanIt!

Is There Anybody In Here That Can Testify…

Well…it’s been a minute since my last blog…and many things have transpired. Good. Bad. and Ugly. Thank God for resilience! Having come to the full realization that we wrestle not against and blood, I have no person to “get at”. However, I declare that the more I am fought, the harder I will fight (earnestly contending for the faith).  I desire for God to show up in my life and he does it every single time. To God Be The Glory! I am vessel for God’s use. I refuse to let any person or thing deter me from the commission that God has given me. Is there anybody in here that can testify that I am determined to be what God called me to be?!!!!

One of God’s Greatest Gifts To Me: My Bestfriend


” Faithful friends are beyond price: No amount can balance their worth”

So…my bestfriend is very special to me. She has known and gracefully dealt with me for over 11 years now. All jokes aside… she has been there for me through thick and thin. She has been instrumental in my life since we first met. We often ponder how we became friends so quickly, but God knows who to place in your life.  Oddly enough we are opposites, but similar at the same time. It is a blessing to have someone that understands you, challenges you, and grows with you. I could not ask for a better bestfriend. I would not trade her for the world. She is beautiful internally and externally. She is gifted and talented. She is a great woman of God!  I am excited because we are going to spend time during the upcoming holiday. I  LOVE LOVE LOVES, My Wendy!

The Unexpected Rainy Season


Lately, we have seen a lot of rain this part of Ohio.  The fact that the weather cannot be controlled by man is a refreshing reminder to me. A reminder that our limitations provide an opportunity for God to show us who is ultimately in control of all things. While the rain may be an inconvenience…it is very very necessary for growth and life. So while the rain, thunder, and lightning may appear to be posing a challenge to you. Remember the ultimate purpose of it and the only ONE that can make it happen!

The Power of Real Love

thumbnailThe power of real love is stronger than anything! And rightly so because God is Love. There is nothing or no one more powerful than him. I have recently come to realize more and more how powerful love is. It has a way pulling you with the force of the strongest magnetic pull imaginable. Like is cool. Infactuation can be fun. Entertainment for all intents and purpose is what it is, but love conquers all. It is so strong that there is absolutely nothing we can do to control it. We do not have the power to turn it off or on. It causes you to go outside of your boundaries and limitations. After all Peter wrote as inspired by God, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” Someone you love can do something you consider just absolutely intolerable, yet love causes you to fulfill the scripture and cover. My pastor often says, “You will not know how much you really love someone, until it is challenged and you can endure.” I am grateful to the people in my life that have taught me lessons in love…Especially YOU!